Smart Resilience: A Startup’s Humorous Pitch in Ljubljana
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Smart Resilience: A Startup’s Humorous Pitch in Ljubljana
Ljubljana. Poletni dan. Začetniški inkubator je živahen. Mlade podjetnike obdaja energija. Med njimi sta Luka in Petra. Sijaj sonca skozi velika okna osvetljuje moderna delovna mesta. Na beli tabli se lesketajo ideje.
Ljubljana. A summer day. The startup incubator is bustling. Young entrepreneurs are surrounded by energy. Among them are Luka and Petra. Sunlight shines through the large windows, illuminating the modern workspaces. Ideas sparkle on the whiteboard.
Luka je navdušen. Njegove oči se bleščijo, ko govori. "Petra, danes je naš dan!" Petra se nasmehne. Ona je mirna. Vedno skrbna in natančna. Skupaj sta pripravljena predstaviti svojo inovativno idejo. Ime projekta: SmartLamp, pametna svetilka.
Luka is excited. His eyes sparkle as he speaks. "Petra, today is our day!" Petra smiles. She is calm. Always careful and precise. Together, they are ready to present their innovative idea. The project’s name: SmartLamp, a smart lamp.
Inkubator postaja bolj poln. Potencialni vlagatelji sedijo za mizo. Luka in Petra s tresočimi rokami pripravljata svoj prototip. Luka reče: "Vse bo super. Imamo to!" Petra globoko vdihne in prikima.
The incubator is becoming more crowded. Potential investors sit at the table. With trembling hands, Luka and Petra prepare their prototype. Luka says, "Everything will be great. We've got this!" Petra takes a deep breath and nods.
Začnejo s predstavitvijo. Luka govori o SmartLamp. "Predstavljajte si svetilko, ki se prilagaja vašemu razpoloženju in vremenu," pravi entuziastično. Vsi poslušajo. Petra nato pojasni tehnične podrobnosti. "Uporabljamo napredne senzorje in umetno inteligenco."
They begin their presentation. Luka talks about SmartLamp. "Imagine a lamp that adapts to your mood and the weather," he says enthusiastically. Everyone listens. Petra then explains the technical details. "We use advanced sensors and artificial intelligence."
Potem pride trenutek. Čas je, da pokažeta prototip. Luka ga priključi. Hitro pritisne gumb. Najprej se vse zdi v redu. Potem pa... lučka začne utripati v vseh mogočih barvah. In nato se začne peti pesem "Happy Birthday."
Then the moment comes. It's time to show the prototype. Luka plugs it in. He quickly presses the button. At first, everything seems fine. But then... the light starts flashing in all sorts of colors. And then it starts playing the song "Happy Birthday."
Petra zardeva. Luka je v šoku. Poskusita jo ugasniti, a svetilka ne neha. Investitorji se začnejo smejati. Eden reče: "Ali je to del vaše predstavitve?" Luka pogoltne slino. Petra mu hitro šepne: "Povej jim resnico, Luka."
Petra blushes. Luka is in shock. They try to turn it off, but the lamp won't stop. The investors start laughing. One says, "Is this part of your presentation?" Luka swallows hard. Petra quickly whispers to him: "Tell them the truth, Luka."
Luka globoko vdihne. "Gospodje in gospe, vidite, naša SmartLamp ima očitno smisel za humor. Upali smo na nekaj boljšega, a vsaj je bilo zabavno, kajne?" Investitorji se še naprej smejijo. Potem pa eden reče: "Res pa vidimo potencial in kreativnost."
Luka takes a deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen, you see, our SmartLamp apparently has a sense of humor. We hoped for something better, but at least it was fun, right?" The investors continue to laugh. Then one says, "But we do see potential and creativity."
Po smehu investitorji pogledajo drug drugega. En reče: "Všeč nam je vaša trdnost in humor. Popravita prototip in se vrnita čez en teden."
After the laughter, the investors look at each other. One says, "We like your resilience and humor. Fix the prototype and come back in a week."
Luka in Petra se nasmehneta. Med potjo ven Luka reče: "Vsi smo le ljudje. Odpustili so nama." Petra odgovori: "Skupaj lahko premagava vse." Luka stisne Petro v objem. Naučili so se lekcijo. Luka je obljubil biti bolj previden. Skupaj sta trdna ekipa.
Luka and Petra smile. On their way out, Luka says, "We're all just human. They forgave us." Petra replies, "Together, we can overcome anything." Luka hugs Petra. They learned a lesson. Luka promised to be more careful. Together, they make a strong team.
In prav takrat, ko sonce zahaja nad Ljubljano, vesta, da sta dobila še eno priložnost.
And just as the sun sets over Ljubljana, they know they’ve been given another chance.