Trapped in the Gym: A Journey from Chaos to Calm
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Trapped in the Gym: A Journey from Chaos to Calm
Bilo je vroče poletno popoldne v gimnazijski telovadnici.
It was a hot summer afternoon in the high school gymnasium.
Luka in Metka sta se lotila poletnega čiščenja.
Luka and Metka were undertaking the summer cleaning.
Telovadnica je bila velika, z odmevajočimi koraki, napolnjena z rahlim vonjem po starem gumiju.
The gym was large, with echoing footsteps, filled with a faint smell of old rubber.
Njuna naloga je bila pripraviti telovadnico za prihajajoči odbojkarski kamp.
Their task was to prepare the gymnasium for the upcoming volleyball camp.
Luka se je zagnal na delo, želel je impresionirati trenerja.
Luka dove into the work, eager to impress the coach.
Metka pa je le želela hitro opraviti delo in se nato sprostiti.
Metka just wanted to finish the job quickly and then relax.
Med pospravljenjem sta naletela na velik prostor za shranjevanje, poln starih športnih rekvizitov in čistilnih pripomočkov.
During the cleanup, they came across a large storage area filled with old sports equipment and cleaning supplies.
»Raje hitro končajva tukaj, da lahko greva domov,« je rekla Metka, že malo nestrpna.
“Let’s finish this quickly so we can go home,” Metka said, a bit impatient.
»Samo še malo,« je rekel Luka, medtem ko je raziskoval precejšnje skladišče.
“Just a little more,” Luka replied as he explored the considerable storage space.
Nenadoma se je vrata skladišča zaloputnila za njima.
Suddenly, the storage door slammed shut behind them.
Luka in Metka sta zgroženo spoznala, da sta zaklenjena notri.
Luka and Metka realized in horror that they were locked inside.
Obupano sta poskušala odpreti vrata, a brez uspeha.
They desperately tried to open the door but to no avail.
»Kaj bomo pa zdaj?« je vprašala Metka, njeni rdeči lasje so pričeli štrleti v vse smeri od frustracije.
“What are we going to do now?” Metka asked, her red hair starting to stand on end from frustration.
Luka je poskusil pomiriti situacijo: »Ne skrbi, najdemo način.
Luka tried to calm the situation: “Don’t worry, we’ll find a way.
Mogoče lahko splezam na te police in najdem ventilacijo.«
Maybe I can climb these shelves and find a vent.”
Luka se je zagnal na police, ki so bile obložene s starimi žogami in mrežami.
Luka climbed up the shelves, which were piled with old balls and nets.
Metka je tačas pregledovala omare z orodjem.
Meanwhile, Metka was checking the tool cabinets.
Planirala je, da s čim močnejšim orodjem poskusita odkleniti vrata.
She planned to use the strongest tool to try to unlock the door.
»Bodi previden,« je opozorila Metka.
“Be careful,” Metka warned.
V trenutku, ko je Luka dosegel vrh, so se police začele zibati.
As soon as Luka reached the top, the shelves began to wobble.
Luka je izgubil ravnotežje, police so zgrmele na tla, sprožile so se žoge, mreže in vse kar je bilo na njih.
Luka lost his balance, the shelves came crashing down, triggering balls, nets, and everything on them to fall.
Osramočeno in malo pomočen, je Luka pristal na tleh.
Embarrassed and a bit drenched, Luka landed on the ground.
»Zdaj pa je še slabše,« je Metka jezno rekla, medtem ko so ji vsi pripomočki padli iz rok.
“Now it’s even worse,” Metka said angrily as all the tools fell from her hands.
Ampak ravno takrat je Luka opazil nekaj nenavadnega za skladom škatel.
But it was at that moment that Luka noticed something unusual behind a stack of boxes.
»Metka, poglej to,« je rekel, medtem ko je odmaknil škatle.
“Metka, look at this,” he said as he moved the boxes aside.
Za njimi je bila skrita majhna vrata za nujne izhode.
Behind them was a hidden emergency exit door.
Oba sta se stekla proti vratom in jih z malo truda odprla.
They both ran toward the door and managed to open it with some effort.
Ravno v trenutku, ko sta prišla ven, je prišel hišnik.
Just as they stepped out, the janitor arrived.
»Kaj se pa tukaj dogaja?« je začudeno vprašal.
“What’s going on here?” he asked, puzzled.
»Oprostite za hrup,« je rekel Luka.
“Sorry for the noise,” Luka said.
»Splezal sem na police, da bi našel izhod in... no... nekako smo se rešili.«
“I climbed the shelves to find an exit and… well… we somehow got out.”
Hišnik je z nasmehom skomignil z rameni.
The janitor shrugged with a smile.
Luka in Metka sta zapustila telovadnico z globokim občutkom olajšanja.
Luka and Metka left the gymnasium with a deep sense of relief.
Luka se je naučil, da mora bolj paziti na okolico in misliti prej, preden deluje.
Luka learned that he needed to pay more attention to his surroundings and think before acting.
Metka pa je spoznala, da mora biti bolj potrpežljiva in fleksibilna v težavnih situacijah.
Metka realized that she needed to be more patient and flexible in difficult situations.
Telovadnica je bila zdaj pripravljena za odbojkarski kamp, njuno delo pa zaključeno.
The gym was now ready for the volleyball camp, and their work was done.
Naslednji dan je bil prost za sprostitev in uživanje poletja.
The next day was free for relaxing and enjoying the summer.