Rebuilding Bridges by Lake Bled: A Sibling's Healing Journey
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Rebuilding Bridges by Lake Bled: A Sibling's Healing Journey
Miha stoji ob obali jezera Bled.
Miha stands by the shore of Lake Bled.
Voda se mirno blešči pod svetlobo poznega poletnega sonca.
The water glistens peacefully under the late summer sun.
V daljavi, na sredini jezera, se dviga otok s starodavno cerkvico.
In the distance, in the middle of the lake, rises an island with an ancient church.
Miha globoko vdihne.
Miha takes a deep breath.
Tu je mirno.
It is calm here.
Toda njegovo srce je nemirno.
But his heart is restless.
Katja je sedela na deki ne daleč od njega.
Katja sat on a blanket not far from him.
Njene oči so opazovale Miho, ki je okleval, preden se ji je pridružil.
Her eyes watched Miha, who hesitated before joining her.
V sebi je nosila goro čustev.
She carried a mountain of emotions within her.
Krivda, žalost, upanje.
Guilt, sadness, hope.
Ni vedela, kakšna bo Mihova reakcija.
She didn't know how Miha would react.
Tako dolgo nista govorila. Zdelo se je, kot da je minila večnost.
It felt like an eternity since they last spoke.
Miha se končno odloči.
Miha finally decides.
Stopi k njej in se usede.
He walks over to her and sits down.
Tišina je bila težka.
The silence was heavy.
Čutil je gnev in zmedo.
He felt anger and confusion.
Vprašanje ga je žgalo od znotraj.
The question burned inside him.
Zakaj si odšla, Katja?
Why did you leave, Katja?
Katja pogleda v jezero.
Katja looks at the lake.
"Miha," začne previdno, "moram ti povedati nekaj, česar še nikoli nisem."
"Miha," she begins cautiously, "I have to tell you something I've never said before."
Miha prikima, a se mu usnice stisnejo.
Miha nods, but his lips tighten.
Ni vedel, ali je pripravljen slišati odgovor.
He didn't know if he was ready to hear the answer.
Toda vedel je, da mora.
But he knew he had to.
"Zato sem odšla," reče Katja, "Bilo mi je pretežko.
"That's why I left," Katja says, "It was too hard for me.
Borila sem se s stvarmi, ki jih nisem razumela.
I was struggling with things I didn't understand.
Potrebovala sem čas zase.
I needed time for myself.
Njene oči so napolnjene s solzami.
Her eyes fill with tears.
"Bila sem sebična.
"I was selfish.
Pa vendar sem bila izgubljena.
Yet I was lost.
Nisem vedela, kako bi tebi in družini to povedala."
I didn't know how to tell you and the family."
Mihi srce bije kot noro.
Miha's heart races wildly.
Prepoznal je bolečino v njenem glasu.
He recognized the pain in her voice.
Razumel je, da ni bil edini, ki je trpel.
He understood he wasn't the only one who had suffered.
Tako dolgo se je počutil izdano.
For so long, he felt betrayed.
Zdaj je začutil nekaj drugega – sočutje.
Now he felt something else—compassion.
"Težko mi je bilo, da sem te izgubil," reče tiho.
"It was hard for me to lose you," he says quietly.
Njegov glas se zatrese.
His voice trembles.
"Ampak razumem.
"But I understand.
Želim razumeti."
I want to understand."
Sončni zahod ju objame v topli svetlobi.
The sunset envelops them in warm light.
Čas za njiju nenadoma preneha obstajati, vse, kar ostane, sta onadva in ta trenutek.
Time for them suddenly ceases to exist, and all that remains is the two of them and this moment.
Katja zadiha.
Katja takes a breath.
"Miha, oprosti," prizna.
"Miha, I'm sorry," she admits.
"Naredila sem napako.
"I made a mistake.
Želim popraviti to."
I want to make it right."
Miha prikima.
Miha nods.
Njegova odločitev je trdna.
His decision is firm.
"Začniva znova," pravi.
"Let's start again," he says.
"Ne glede na vse, sva družina."
"No matter what, we are family."
Ob jezeru, obdanem z zlatimi in oranžnimi odtenki sonca, začutita olajšanje.
By the lake, surrounded by the golden and orange hues of the sun, they feel relief.
Njuno potovanje do sprave je komaj začelo.
Their journey to reconciliation has just begun.
Kljub temu pa je bilo najpomembnejše že doseženo: most med njima je bil ponovno zgrajen.
Yet the most important thing has already been achieved: the bridge between them has been rebuilt.
Ob jezeru, kjer vetrček nežno šumi med drevesi, sta brat in sestra našla nov začetek.
At the lake, where a gentle breeze rustles through the trees, brother and sister found a new beginning.
Konec poletja ni bil konec vsega.
The end of summer wasn't the end of everything.
Bil je le začetek nečesa novega.
It was just the start of something new.