Patience on the Path: A Recovery Journey at Lake Bled
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Patience on the Path: A Recovery Journey at Lake Bled
Matej je sedel na klopci ob Blejskem jezeru.
Matej sat on a bench by Lake Bled.
Jesenski listi so padali z dreves, okoli njega so bila rdeča in oranžna.
Autumn leaves were falling from the trees, red and orange surrounding him.
Voda v jezeru je bila mirna; odsevala je grad na pečini.
The water in the lake was calm; it reflected the castle on the cliff.
Matej je vzdihnil.
Matej sighed.
"Kako lepo," je pomislil.
"How beautiful," he thought.
Zadnje tedne je preživel doma, okreval po operaciji kolena.
He had spent the last few weeks at home, recovering from knee surgery.
Komaj je čakal, da spet začuti gozdno stezo pod svojimi čevlji.
He could hardly wait to feel the forest path under his shoes again.
Neža se mu je pridružila na klopi.
Neža joined him on the bench.
Prinesla je termovko toplega čaja.
She brought a thermos of warm tea.
"Matej, res bi moral še malo počakati," je tiho rekla, medtem ko je gledala proti bližnjemu hribu.
"Matej, you really should wait a bit longer," she said quietly, looking toward the nearby hill.
Matej ji je odgovoril z nasmehom.
Matej replied with a smile.
"Vem, ampak danes je pravi dan za pohod.
"I know, but today is the perfect day for a hike.
Samo do vrha, da vidim listje z vrha."
Just to the top, to see the leaves from above."
Neža je začutila skrb v sebi.
Neža felt a sense of worry inside her.
Vedela je, da je Matej vedno rad premikal meje, a obenem je bilo jasno, da koleno še ni povsem zaceljeno.
She knew Matej always liked to push the limits, but it was clear that his knee wasn't fully healed yet.
"Samo obljubi, da boš previden," je rekla in stisnila njegovo roko.
"Just promise you'll be careful," she said, squeezing his hand.
"Obljubim," je rekel Matej.
"I promise," Matej said.
Vstala sta in začela hoditi proti hribu.
They got up and started walking toward the hill.
Ob poti so bila drevesa prekrita s spremenjenimi barvami.
The trees along the path were covered with changing colors.
Zrak je bil svež in hladen, popoln za pohod.
The air was fresh and cool, perfect for a hike.
Matej je hodil s previdnostjo, a odločnim korakom.
Matej walked carefully, but with determined steps.
Ko sta začela vzpon na hrib, je Matej občutil blago bolečino v kolenu.
As they started the ascent, Matej felt mild pain in his knee.
Ignoriral jo je.
He ignored it.
"Nisem prišel tako daleč, da bi zdaj odnehal," je pomislil.
"I didn't come this far to give up now," he thought.
Neža je hodila ob njem, opazovala ga je z bolj zaskrbljenim obrazom.
Neža walked beside him, watching him with a more concerned expression.
Nad polovico poti je postalo bolj strmo.
About halfway up, it became steeper.
Matej je začutil, da njegovo koleno postaja šibkejše.
Matej felt his knee growing weaker.
Poskušal je nadaljevati, toda ko je naredil korak na posebej strmo skalo, je koleno klecnilo in izgubil je ravnotežje.
He tried to continue, but when he stepped on a particularly steep rock, his knee buckled and he lost balance.
Neža ga je hitro ujela.
Neža caught him quickly.
"Matej!" je vzkliknila, njen glas je bil poln skrbi.
"Matej!" she exclaimed, her voice full of concern.
Matej je sedel na rob poti.
Matej sat down at the edge of the path.
Bolečina je bila ostra in neopisljiva.
The pain was sharp and indescribable.
Pogledal je proti vrhu, ki je bil še nekaj minut hoje stran.
He looked toward the summit, only a few minutes' walk away.
Čutil je razočaranje.
He felt disappointed.
"Morda nisi še pripravljen," je rekel sam sebi tiho.
"Maybe you're not ready yet," he told himself quietly.
Neža je sedla poleg njega.
Neža sat next to him.
"To ni poraz, Matej.
"This isn't a failure, Matej.
Dokazal si že veliko s tem, da si prišel tako daleč."
You've already proven a lot by making it this far."
Naslonil se je nazaj in pogledal skozi deževne krošnje.
He leaned back and gazed through the rain-touched leaves.
Pomiril se je.
He found peace.
"Res, Neža.
"You're right, Neža.
Moram biti potrpežljiv.
I must be patient.
Hvala, ker si ob meni."
Thank you for being with me."
Tiste besede so prinesle novo zavedanje.
Those words brought a new understanding.
Pomembna je bila pot, ne samo cilj.
The journey was important, not just the destination.
Skupaj sta se vrnila po poti nazaj proti jezeru.
Together, they headed back down the path toward the lake.
Matej je počasi stopal, a z zavedanjem, da je vsako stopalo del okrevanja.
Matej walked slowly, but with awareness that every step was part of the recovery.
Na klopci ob jezeru sta si segla v roke.
On the bench by the lake, they held hands.
Pogled se jima je ustavil na očarljivih barvah jeseni, ki so jih obkrožale.
Their gaze lingered on the enchanting autumn colors surrounding them.
Matej je vedel, da bo ponovno bil na hribu, vendar šele, ko bo pravi čas.
Matej knew he would be on the hill again, but only when the time was right.
In tako sta mirno počakala na prihajajoče dni, pripravljena sprejeti vsak nov izziv z malce več potrpljenja in veliko več hvaležnosti.
And so, they calmly awaited the coming days, ready to face each new challenge with a bit more patience and a lot more gratitude.