Reviving a Father's Legacy: The Heart of a Coffee Roastery
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Reviving a Father's Legacy: The Heart of a Coffee Roastery
V zlatem jesenskem soncu, ki se je počasi spuščalo skozi majhno okno na podstrešju, sta Mateja in Luka počasi premikala stare škatle.
In the golden autumn sun, slowly descending through the small attic window, Mateja and Luka moved the old boxes.
Vonj po praženih kavnih zrnih iz spodnje kavarne se je dvigal navzgor, polnil prostor in ju spominjal na očeta.
The aroma of roasted coffee beans from the café below drifted upwards, filling the space and reminding them of their father.
Po njegovi smrti je bilo podstrešje nad družinsko pražarno le še to – podstrešje.
After his death, the attic above the family roastery became just that – an attic.
A za Matejo in Luko je bilo to prostor, poln spominov.
But for Mateja and Luka, it was a place full of memories.
Mateja je bila visoka in močna.
Mateja was tall and strong.
Njen pogled se ni zadrževal na spominih; imela je cilj.
Her gaze didn't linger on memories; she had a goal.
"Moramo pospraviti," je rekla odločno, ko je dvignila staro smetišče knjig.
"We need to tidy up," she said firmly as she lifted an old heap of books.
Luka, njeno nasprotje, se je s težavo ločil od stvari.
Luka, her opposite, had difficulty parting from things.
Ob vsaki knjigi, fotografiji, staremu kavnem mlinčku je bila njegova roka oklevajoča, srce pa polno bolečine izgube.
With every book, every photo, every old coffee grinder, his hand hesitated, his heart full of the pain of loss.
"Samo nekaj časa si vzemi, Luka," je rekla Mateja, ko je poskušala biti razumljiva.
"Just take some time, Luka," Mateja said as she tried to be understanding.
Ni razumela, zakaj se Luka oklepa vsakega drobca preteklosti.
She didn't understand why Luka clung to every fragment of the past.
Zanjo je bilo pomembno, da se premakneta naprej.
For her, it was important to move forward.
Pozneje bi prodala pražarno in začela novo življenje.
Later, they would sell the roastery and start a new life.
Medtem ko je čistila nekaj zaprašenih polic, je Luka izdihnil in previdno odprl staro škatlo, napolnjeno z očetovimi zakladi.
While cleaning some dusty shelves, Luka sighed and carefully opened an old box filled with their father's treasures.
Na vrhu svežnja starih papirjev so bile karte in urejeno spravljene črke.
On top of the pile of old papers were cards and neatly stored letters.
"Mateja, poglej to," je šepnil kot da bi odkril zaklad.
"Mateja, look at this," he whispered as if he had discovered a treasure.
"Očkove stare kave recepte... in pisma! Nikoli nisem vedel, da jih ima."
"Dad's old coffee recipes... and letters! I never knew he had them."
Mateja se je ustavila.
Mateja paused.
Položila je knjigo in prispevala k pogledanju vsebine škatle.
She put down the book and joined Luka in examining the box's contents.
Briši prah s plana, Luka je prebral na glas prve vrstice starega pisma: "Kava ni le posel, kava je umetnost in ljubezen."
Brushing the dust away from a corner, Luka read aloud the first lines of an old letter: "Coffee is not just a business, coffee is art and love."
Očetu so kavne zmesi pomenile več kot samo mešanico, pomenile so strast in sladko nostalgijo.
To their father, coffee blends meant more than just mixtures; they meant passion and sweet nostalgia.
V tistem trenutku sta Mateja in Luka sedela skupaj na pragu podstrešja in se održala starih receptov.
In that moment, Mateja and Luka sat together on the attic threshold and looked at the old recipes.
Njihova očetova sanja je bila resničnost, in nenadoma je prodaja pražarne postala nepredstavljiva.
Their father's dream was a reality, and suddenly, selling the roastery became unimaginable.
"Mislim, da bi morali še naprej držati pražarno," je tiho rekla Mateja.
"I think we should keep the roastery," Mateja said quietly.
Odločitev ni bila praktična, ampak je bila prava.
The decision wasn't practical, but it was right.
Bila je odločitev, polna emocij, a tudi poguma, ki ga je Luka pokazal vsakokrat, ko je nič ni želel spustiti.
It was a decision full of emotion but also courage, the kind Luka showed every time he refused to let go.
Luka je pokimal.
Luka nodded.
V njegovem očesu je bila iskrica, mešanica zaloti in olajšanja.
There was a spark in his eyes, a mix of enthusiasm and relief.
Sprejel je to novo odgovornost z močjo, ki je ni vedel, da jo ima.
He embraced this new responsibility with a strength he didn't know he had.
In tako je kavna pražarna v središču Ljubljane postala več kot zgolj posel.
And so the coffee roastery in the center of Ljubljana became more than just a business.
Postala je zgodba, ki se je začela tisto jesen, ko sta se brat in sestra združila zaradi ljubezni do očeta in ohranila njegov duh živ na vsakem skodelici kave, ki so jo postregli.
It became a story that began that autumn when a brother and sister united out of love for their father, keeping his spirit alive with every cup of coffee they served.