From Ballots to Bonds: A Father and Son's Election Day Journey
FluentFiction - Slovenian
From Ballots to Bonds: A Father and Son's Election Day Journey
Topel vetrič je zibal javorjeve liste, ki so kot zlati konfeti poplesavali po tleh pred vaško dvorano.
A warm breeze swayed the javorjeve leaves, which danced like golden confetti on the ground in front of the village hall.
Luka je s stisnjeno roko držal roko svojega sina Tomaža, ki je skakljal po poti.
Luka tightly held the hand of his son, Tomaž, who was skipping along the path.
Oba sta imela na obrazih pečat svežega jesenskega zraka.
Both had the freshness of autumn air on their faces.
Dišalo je po vlažnem gozdu in pečenih kostanjih.
The scent of damp forest and roasted chestnuts filled the air.
"Prva lekcija, Tomaž, je, da volilni dan ni le domena odraslih.
"The first lesson, Tomaž, is that election day isn't just the domain of adults.
To je čas za družino, ko se učimo o pomembnih stvareh," je začel razlagati Luka, ko sta stopila v notranjost dvorane.
It's a time for family to learn about important things," Luka began explaining as they stepped inside the hall.
V dvorani je bilo prijetno toplo.
Inside, it was pleasantly warm.
Ljudje so se mirno vrstili, pozdravljali znane obraze in izkazovali svoj glas.
People calmly queued, greeted familiar faces, and cast their votes.
Prostora ni bilo veliko, a je imel prijetno vzdušje, polno pričakovanj.
There wasn't much space, but it had a comfortable atmosphere filled with anticipation.
"Tukaj glasujemo, razumeš?
"This is where we vote, understand?
Tako povemo, kaj si želimo," je Luka nadaljeval s tišjim glasom, medtem ko sta se pomikala proti volilni kabini.
This is how we express what we want," Luka continued in a quieter voice as they moved toward the voting booth.
Tomaž je zvedavo ogledoval okrog sebe.
Tomaž curiously looked around.
Spraševal se je, zakaj je to tako pomembno.
He wondered why this was so important.
"In kaj če ne glasuješ?
"And what if you don't vote?"
" je vprašal, nazadnje z zanimanjem.
he asked with interest.
"Če ne glasujemo, drugi odločajo namesto nas," je odgovoril Luka.
"If we don't vote, others decide for us," Luka answered.
Te besede so se mu zdele pomembne.
These words seemed important to him.
"Zato je pomembno sodelovati.
"That's why it's important to participate."
"Ko sta prišla do volilne kabine, je Luka nekoliko okleval.
When they reached the voting booth, Luka hesitated a bit.
Spomnil se je, kako bi Maja, njegova bivša žena, imela drugačen pristop.
He remembered how Maja, his ex-wife, would have had a different approach.
Njen glas in njene politične debate so mu zvenele v ušesih.
Her voice and political debates echoed in his mind.
Ampak zdelo se mu je pomembno biti pošten in neposreden.
But he felt it was important to be honest and straightforward.
"Tomaž, pomembno je, da razumeš, da vsi mislijo drugače.
"Tomaž, it's important to understand that everyone thinks differently.
To je v redu," je rekel, medtem ko je upogibal listni papir, na katerem je bila njegova izbira.
That's okay," he said as he folded the ballot paper with his choice.
"A to ne pomeni, da ne moremo spoštovati mnenja drug drugega.
"But that doesn't mean we can't respect each other's opinions."
"Ko je oddal glas, je Luka s ponosom pogledal sina.
After he cast his vote, Luka looked at his son with pride.
Ta je z zanimanjem opazoval vse okoli sebe in se mu nasmehnil.
He observed everything around him with interest and smiled.
Ko sta zapustila dvorano, je Tomaž stisnil očetovo roko malo močneje.
As they left the hall, Tomaž squeezed his father's hand a little tighter.
"Luka, lahko mi poveš več o tem?
"Luka, can you tell me more about this?"
" je vprašal, njegove oči so bile polne radovednosti.
he asked, his eyes full of curiosity.
Luka je zadihal svež zrak.
Luka breathed in the fresh air.
Občutil je nekakšen mir.
He felt a sort of peace.
Končno je imel občutek, da bo lahko vodil Tomaža skozi pomembne življenjske odločitve, ne glede na razlike, ki bi jih Maja lahko imela.
Finally, he had the feeling that he could guide Tomaž through important life decisions, regardless of the differences Maja might have.
"Tomaž, poskusil ti bom razložiti čim več," je rekel z nasmehom, medtem ko sta hodila skozi vrtinec rumenega in rdečega listja proti domu.
"Tomaž, I'll try to explain as much as I can," he said with a smile as they walked through the swirl of yellow and red leaves toward home.
Njegovo srce je bilo polno samozavesti, vedoč, da bo vedno znal najti prave besede za svojega sina.
His heart was full of confidence, knowing he would always be able to find the right words for his son.