Disconnect to Reconnect: An Autumn's Tale of Family Time
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Disconnect to Reconnect: An Autumn's Tale of Family Time
V Bledskem jezeru se je odsevala čudovita jesen.
A beautiful autumn was reflected in Bledsko jezero.
Listje je bilo barvito, zeleno, rumeno in rdeče.
The leaves were colorful—green, yellow, and red.
Družina je sedela na majhnem travniku ob jezeru.
The family was sitting on a small meadow by the lake.
Piknik odeja je bila razgrnjena, na njej pa košara polna domačih dobrot.
A picnic blanket was spread out, with a basket full of homemade treats on it.
Tišina okoli njih je prekinjena le z nežnim zvokom vetra in oddaljenim zvonjenjem cerkvenih zvonov z Blejskega otoka.
The silence around them was broken only by the gentle sound of the wind and the distant ringing of church bells from Blejski otok.
Anže je sedel na robu odeje.
Anže was sitting on the edge of the blanket.
Pogosto je pogledal na svoj telefon.
He frequently looked at his phone.
Misli so mu begale k službenim dolžnostim.
His thoughts wandered to work duties.
Njegova žena, Mateja, je opazila, da je Anže odsoten.
His wife, Mateja, noticed that Anže was absent-minded.
Mateja ga je rahlo stisnila za roko in rekla: "Danes smo tukaj, zdaj.
Mateja gently squeezed his hand and said, "We are here today, now.
Pusti delo za trenutek.
Leave work aside for a moment."
" Anže se je nasmehnil, a telefon je ostal v njegovi dlani.
Anže smiled, but the phone stayed in his hand.
Nina, njuna hči, je bila navdušena.
Nina, their daughter, was excited.
Skakala je sem ter tja, opazovala race in zbirala liste.
She was jumping around, watching the ducks and collecting leaves.
"Ati, poglej ta rdeč list!
"Dad, look at this red leaf!"
" je zaklicala in stekla proti očetu.
she shouted and ran towards her father.
Anže je pogledal njen sijoči obraz.
Anže looked at her radiant face.
Kar naenkrat mu je postalo jasno, kaj resnično pomeni ta dan.
Suddenly, he understood what this day truly meant.
Pomislil je: "Gremo se igrati.
He thought, "Let's go play.
Telefon lahko počaka.
The phone can wait."
"Anže je naredil težko odločitev.
Anže made a difficult decision.
Izklopil je telefon in ga odložil v košaro.
He turned off his phone and put it in the basket.
"Pokaži mi, Nina, kje so najlepši listi," je pozval hčer.
"Show me, Nina, where are the most beautiful leaves," he encouraged his daughter.
Ona ga je prijela za roko in ga odpeljala v bližnji gozd.
She took his hand and led him to the nearby woods.
Oba sta se smejala in lovila liste, ki so jih nosili hladni jesenski vetrovi.
Both of them laughed and chased the leaves carried by the cool autumn winds.
Mateja je opazovala z občutkom veselja.
Mateja watched with a feeling of joy.
Tistega dne se je Anže popolnoma posvetil trenutku.
That day, Anže fully dedicated himself to the moment.
Smisel družinskega časa se je vrnil.
The meaning of family time returned.
Konec dneva so vsi skupaj sedli ob jezeru, gledali sončni zahod in jedli piškote.
At the end of the day, they all sat together by the lake, watched the sunset, and ate cookies.
V tistem trenutku je Anže začutil toplino, ki mu je polnila srce.
In that moment, Anže felt a warmth filling his heart.
"Da, tole bomo ponovili," je rekel Anže, ko so pospravljali piknik.
"Yes, we’re going to do this again," Anže said as they packed up the picnic.
Mateja se je strinjala.
Mateja agreed.
Nina je zehala, utrujena od igre in polna dogodivščin.
Nina yawned, tired from the play and full of adventures.
Tako so se odpravili domov, z novim obetom povezovanja.
And so they headed home, with a new promise of connection.
Anže je vedel, da čeprav je delo pomembno, ni nič pomembnejše od trenutkov, ki jih deliš z družino.
Anže knew that although work is important, nothing is more important than the moments you share with your family.
Zavezal se je, da bo od zdaj naprej bolj prisoten mož in oče.
He committed to being a more present husband and father from now on.
Ko so zapustili mirno Bledsko okolje, je bil Anže pomirjen in srečen.
As they left the peaceful Bledsko surroundings, Anže felt calm and happy.
Jesen je bila tista, ki jih je povezala.
It was autumn that had brought them together.