Finding Solitude: A Weekend at Blejsko Jezero
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Finding Solitude: A Weekend at Blejsko Jezero
Jutro nad Blejskim jezerom je bilo hladno in mirno.
The morning over Blejsko jezero was cold and calm.
Listi na drevesih ob jezeru so bili rdeči, oranžni in rumeni.
The leaves on the trees by the lake were red, orange, and yellow.
Miha je stal ob obali in opazoval meglico, ki se je dvigala iz vode.
Miha stood by the shore, watching the mist rising from the water.
Njegovi prijatelji, Nina in Matej, so bili navdušeni nad načrti za vikend.
His friends, Nina and Matej, were excited about the weekend plans.
Jaz sem rad tukaj, je pomislil Miha, vendar si želi tudi nekaj trenutkov tišine.
I like it here, Miha thought, but he also longed for a few moments of silence.
»Gremo veslat,« je rekla Nina, polna energije.
"Let's go rowing," said Nina, full of energy.
Miha se je nasmehnil in rekel: »Ja, seveda.«
Miha smiled and said, "Yeah, sure."
V resnici pa je želel ostati ob jezeru, le on in njegove misli.
In reality, though, he wanted to stay by the lake, just him and his thoughts.
Vroč čaj in knjiga bi mu bila ljubša kot glasna vožnja s čolnom.
Hot tea and a book were more appealing to him than a loud boat ride.
Kmalu zatem so že veslali na jezeru.
Soon after, they were already rowing on the lake.
Miha je slišal smeh in veselje svojih prijateljev.
Miha heard the laughter and joy of his friends.
A njegovo srce je hrepenelo po miru.
But his heart yearned for peace.
Razmišljal je o ljudeh, ki jih ima rad in koliko jim daje.
He thought about the people he loves and how much he gives to them.
Redko pa si vzame čas zase.
Rarely did he take time for himself.
Naslednji dan so odšli na pohod na bližnji hrib.
The next day, they went hiking on a nearby hill.
Pot je bila posuta s kostanji in suhimi listi.
The path was scattered with chestnuts and dry leaves.
Nina je vodila skupino, Matej je sledil tesno za njo, Miha pa nekoliko zadaj.
Nina led the group, Matej closely followed her, while Miha stayed a little behind.
Tu na vzponu med drevesi je našel kratek trenutek, ko je veter pihal in prijetno suh list padel nanj.
Here on the ascent among the trees, he found a brief moment when the wind blew and a pleasant dry leaf fell on him.
Ko so prispeli na čudovito razgledišče nad jezerom, je Miha pogledal čez rob in občudoval prizor.
When they reached the beautiful vantage point over the lake, Miha looked over the edge and admired the view.
Tam, kjer se je zdelo, se je narava dotaknila neba.
There, where it seemed nature touched the sky.
Njegov dih se je umiril.
His breath calmed.
V tem trenutku se je odločil.
In that moment, he made a decision.
»Veš, prijatelji,« je rekel postajajoč pogumen, »ali je v redu, če za nekaj časa ostanem tukaj?«
"You know, friends," he said, gathering courage, "is it okay if I stay here for a while?"
Nina ga je presenetljivo razumela: »Seveda! Uživaj v miru. Pridruži se nama, ko boš pripravljen.«
Nina, surprisingly, understood: "Of course! Enjoy the peace. Join us when you're ready."
Miha je hvaležno prikimal in ostal.
Miha nodded gratefully and stayed.
Globoko je vdihnil svež zrak, opazoval ptice, ki so letele mimo, in končno začutil tišino, ki jo je potreboval.
He took a deep breath of fresh air, watched the birds flying by, and finally felt the silence he needed.
Tišina ni bila samota; bila je balzam za njegovo dušo.
Silence was not loneliness; it was a balm for his soul.
Ko se je vrnil k prijateljem, je bil bolj sproščen in vesel.
When he returned to his friends, he was more relaxed and joyful.
Ugotovil je, da je izražanje svojih potreb pomembno.
He realized that expressing his needs is important.
Nina in Matej sta bila zadovoljna, ko sta videla, da je srečen, brez prisilnega nasmeha.
Nina and Matej were pleased to see him happy, without a forced smile.
Ta vikend ob Blejskem jezeru je Miha naučil nekaj dragocenega.
This weekend at Blejsko jezero taught Miha something valuable.
Da je prijateljstvo lepše, če jo obogatiš z iskrenostjo in razumevanjem.
That friendship is more beautiful when enriched with honesty and understanding.
In da je včasih treba se najprej izgubiti v miru, da bi našli pot nazaj k ljudem, ki jih imaš rad.
And that sometimes, you need to first lose yourself in peace to find your way back to the people you love.