Ljubljana's Market Surprise: A Day of Friendship and Strategy
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Ljubljana's Market Surprise: A Day of Friendship and Strategy
Jesen v mestu.
Autumn in the city.
Centralna tržnica živi.
The central market is alive.
Prodajalci ponujajo sveže sadje, zelenjavo, domače izdelke.
Vendors offer fresh fruit, vegetables, and homemade products.
Po zraku diši po cimetu in klinčkih.
The air is scented with cinnamon and cloves.
Listje leži na tlakovanih poteh kot zlat pregrinjalo.
Leaves lie on the cobblestone paths like a golden blanket.
Matej se sprehaja med stojnicami.
Matej strolls among the stalls.
Skrbi ga.
He is worried.
Rad ima, da je vse popolno.
He likes everything to be perfect.
Danes mora organizirati presenečenje za prijatelja Andreja.
Today, he must organize a surprise for his friend Andrej.
Želi si, da bi bilo vse brezhibno.
He wants everything to be flawless.
Z njim je Nina.
With him is Nina.
Energija, ki kar žari od kreativnosti.
An energy glowing with creativity.
A včasih pozabi na malenkosti.
But sometimes she forgets the details.
»Nina, ali imaš seznam?
"Nina, do you have the list?"
« vpraša Matej.
Matej asks.
»Seveda,« odgovori Nina in mu pokaže kos papirja, kjer je nekaj na hitro napisanih točk.
"Of course," replies Nina, showing him a piece of paper with a few hastily written points.
Tržnica je gneča.
The market is crowded.
Težko se slišita.
It's hard to hear each other.
Matej skrbi.
Matej is worried.
"Kaj če bo šlo kaj narobe?
"What if something goes wrong?"
" se vpraša.
he wonders.
»Matej, glej, stojnica s svečami!
"Matej, look, a stall with candles!
Povsem naravne!
Completely natural!
Si predstavljam, kako lepo bi bile na mizi!
I can imagine how beautiful they would be on the table!"
« vzklikne Nina.
Nina exclaims.
Matej se osredotoča na načrt.
Matej focuses on the plan.
»Sveče so na seznamu.
"Candles are on the list.
Preverim,« pravi z resnim glasom.
I'll check," he says seriously.
Po nekaj minutah so vrečke že polne.
After a few minutes, the bags are full.
Oreški, suho sadje, nekaj malenkosti.
Nuts, dried fruit, a few trinkets.
Matej išče darilo, ki ga je imel v mislih.
Matej looks for the gift he had in mind.
A trg je brez njegove izbrane stvari.
But the market is without his chosen item.
Sold out.
»Nina, darila ni!
"Nina, the gift is not there!
Kaj pa zdaj?
What now?"
« izdavi v zadregi.
he utters in embarrassment.
Nina se prijateljsko nasmeji.
Nina smiles kindly.
»Najdi okraske.
"Find the decorations.
Jaz poskrbim za darilo,« obljubi.
I'll take care of the gift," she promises.
V trenutku izgineta v različne smeri.
In an instant, they disappear in different directions.
Matej izbere lesene okraske in misli o prazni svoji vrečki.
Matej picks wooden decorations and thinks of his empty bag.
Čez nekaj ur stojita v Andrejevem dnevnem prostoru.
A few hours later, they stand in Andrej's living room.
Vse je pripravljeno.
Everything is ready.
Svečane lučke mežikajo, miza je polna dobrot.
Festive lights twinkle, the table is full of treats.
Andrej stopi skozi vrata, slepariti se je moral, a zdaj vidi svoje presenečenje.
Andrej walks through the door, he had to be tricked, but now he sees his surprise.
Zasliši smeh, čestitke.
He hears laughter, congratulations.
»Kako ti je uspelo, Matej?
"How did you manage this, Matej?
To je neverjetno!
This is incredible!"
« reče Andrej, vidno ganjen.
says Andrej, visibly moved.
Matej se nasmehne in pogleda Nino.
Matej smiles and looks at Nina.
»S sodelovanjem.
"With cooperation.
Hvala, Nina,« izjavi.
Thank you, Nina," he states.
Nina pomežikne.
Nina winks.
»Kdo pravi, da spontano ne more biti popolno?
"Who says spontaneous can't be perfect?"
« Matej z novega pogleda sprejme nauk.
Matej learns a lesson from a new perspective.
Tistih nekaj improvizacij je bilo ključno.
Those few improvisations were crucial.
Nauči se, da je včasih treba prepustiti nekaj nadzora, da vse steče tako kot mora.
He learns that sometimes you have to let go of some control for everything to work as it should.
Najpomembneje pa je: Andrej je presrečen.
Most importantly, Andrej is overjoyed.
Vsi se smejijo, prijateljstvo sij je svetlo kot sveče.
Everyone is laughing, the glow of friendship is as bright as the candles.
Ljubljana, jesen, prijatelji.
Ljubljana, autumn, friends.
Ne pozabi se.
It should not be forgotten.