Market Magic: A Cook and Farmer's Unexpected Connection
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Market Magic: A Cook and Farmer's Unexpected Connection
Ljubljanska tržnica je živahna in glasna.
The Ljubljanska market is lively and loud.
Pisane stojnice se šibijo pod težo jesenskih pridelkov.
Colorful stands bow under the weight of autumn produce.
Tanja, mlada in navdušena kuharica, stopa med vrstami.
Tanja, a young and enthusiastic cook, walks among the rows.
Zunaj je hladno, ljudje skrivajo roke v rokave toplih plaščev.
It's cold outside, and people are tucking their hands into the sleeves of warm coats.
Pridiši po pečenem kostanju in kuhanem vinu.
The air smells of roasted chestnuts and mulled wine.
Danes je Tanja tukaj, da poišče prave sestavine za družinsko predbožično večerjo.
Today, Tanja is here to find the right ingredients for a family pre-Christmas dinner.
Aljoša stoji za svojo stojnico.
Aljoša stands behind his stall.
Na njej so lepo zložene ekološko pridelane zelenjavne glave in sveži zelišči.
Beautifully arranged organic vegetable heads and fresh herbs are on display.
On je ponosen na svojo pridelavo, a težko mu je odkrito govoriti s strankami.
He is proud of his produce, but it's hard for him to speak openly with customers.
Večkrat je že videl Tanjo, občuduje njen navdušen pristop k hrani.
He has seen Tanja several times, and he admires her enthusiastic approach to food.
»Dober dan, Aljoša,« se nasmehne Tanja, ko se ustavi pri njegovi stojnici.
"Good day, Aljoša," Tanja smiles as she stops at his stall.
»Bi mi lahko povedali, kaj je zdajle res sveže in dobro?
"Could you tell me what's really fresh and good right now?"
«Aljoša malce zardi.
Aljoša blushes slightly.
»Pozdravljeni, Tanja.
"Hello, Tanja.
Imamo krasne zimske zelenjave.
We have wonderful winter vegetables.
Posebej priporočam te ohrovte.
I especially recommend these cabbages.
So sveže nabrani,« reče s tihim glasom.
They were freshly picked," he says in a quiet voice.
Tržnica je polna drugih glasov in mnenj.
The market is full of other voices and opinions.
Tanja je že slišala različna priporočila od drugih prodajalcev in ni prepričana, komu zaupati.
Tanja has already heard various recommendations from other vendors and isn't sure whom to trust.
Njeni koraki oklevajo.
Her steps hesitate.
Aljoša globoko vdihne.
Aljoša takes a deep breath.
Ve, da ima priložnost.
He knows he has an opportunity.
»Te zelenjavne glave imajo čudovit okus,« nadaljuje.
"These vegetable heads have a wonderful taste," he continues.
»Moja babica jih je v kuhinji vedno uporabljala.
"My grandma always used them in the kitchen.
Lahko vam dam njen recept za pripravo.
I can give you her recipe.
Je zelo poseben, kot nalašč za družinska srečanja.
It's very special, perfect for family gatherings."
«Tanjino zanimanje se zbudi.
Tanja's interest is piqued.
Zelo rada bi ga poskusila.
I'd love to try it.
Dobro se sliši,« odgovori in se rahlo smeji.
It sounds great," she replies with a slight smile.
»Paket zimske zelenjave je pripravljena za vas,« reče Aljoša, zdaj z več samozavesti v glasu.
"A package of winter vegetables is ready for you," Aljoša says, now with more confidence in his voice.
Izroči ji lep šopek zelenja, skrbno zavit.
He hands her a beautiful bouquet of greens, carefully wrapped.
Tanja ga sprejme z navdušenjem in zahvalami.
Tanja accepts it with enthusiasm and thanks.
Ko Tanja odhaja, nosi zelenjavo v košari in v srcu občutek povezanosti.
As Tanja leaves, she carries the vegetables in her basket and a feeling of connection in her heart.
Ve, da je našla prave sestavine.
She knows she's found the right ingredients.
Aljoša je zadovoljen, da je končno odprl srce nekomu, da je delil strast.
Aljoša is pleased that he finally opened his heart to someone, sharing his passion.
To mu daje občutek spremembe, da bo tudi v prihodnje poskušal biti bolj odprt z drugimi.
It gives him a sense of change, that he will try to be more open with others in the future.
Tržnica se še naprej vrti v svojem ritmu.
The market continues to spin in its rhythm.
Jesenske barve bledijo, a obeta se zima z vsemi svojimi bogatimi okusi.
Autumn colors fade, but winter promises with all its rich flavors.
Tanja in Aljoša sta odšla vsak svojo pot, a njun dan je pustil sled med stojnicami, kjer se zgodbe srečujejo in rastejo.
Tanja and Aljoša went their separate ways, but their day left a trace among the stalls, where stories meet and grow.