Lost and Found: A Christmas Tale of Friendship and Hope
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Lost and Found: A Christmas Tale of Friendship and Hope
Mateja je stala pred vrati policijske postaje v Ljubljani.
Mateja stood in front of the police station doors in Ljubljana.
Zunaj je snežilo, vetrc je hladil lička in ušesa rdeče kot božični okraski.
Outside, it was snowing, and the breeze cooled her cheeks and ears, which were as red as Christmas ornaments.
Vsa zavita v debel plašč, je pogledala svojega prijatelja Žigo.
Wrapped in a thick coat, she looked at her friend Žiga.
"Žiga, želim samo najti svojo denarnico," je rekla in v očeh so ji sijale skrbi.
"Žiga, I just want to find my wallet," she said, worries shining in her eyes.
Vstopila sta v postajo.
They entered the station.
Notranjost je bila živahna, na stenah so viseli božični venčki in lučke so svetlikale v ritmu prazničnih napevov.
Inside, it was lively, with Christmas wreaths hanging on the walls and lights twinkling to the rhythm of holiday tunes.
Policisti in obiskovalci so bili zaviti v zimska oblačila.
Police officers and visitors were wrapped in winter clothing.
Ljudje so čakali v dolgih vrstah.
People were waiting in long lines.
"Mateja, vse bo v redu," jo je poskusil pomiriti Žiga in rahlo pritisnil njeno ramo.
"Mateja, everything will be okay," Žiga tried to reassure her, gently pressing her shoulder.
"Tukaj sem s teboj."
"I'm here with you."
Ob pultu je stal policist Luka.
Behind the counter stood Officer Luka.
Bil je visok, v modri uniformi, z resnim, a prijaznim obrazom.
He was tall, in a blue uniform, with a serious but friendly face.
A bil je zaposlen.
However, he was busy.
Razumelo se je, da je sezona prinesla več primerov in več dela.
It was understood that the season brought more cases and more work.
Mateja se je previdno približala pultu.
Mateja cautiously approached the counter.
"Dober dan," je začela, "izgubila sem denarnico včeraj.
"Good day," she began, "I lost my wallet yesterday.
Notri so bili vsi moji dokumenti in nekaj denarja."
It contained all my documents and some money."
Luka je pogledal navzgor in ji namenil kratek nasmešek.
Luka looked up and gave her a brief smile.
"Dober dan. Prijavljamo vse najdene predmete.
"Good day. We log all found items.
Naj vas najprej vpišem v evidenco."
Let me first enter you into the records."
Medtem ko je Mateja posredovala svoje podatke, je Žiga zaznal njeno napetost.
While Mateja provided her information, Žiga noticed her tension.
"Mateja, če kaj, lahko preskočiva kako darilo za letos.
"Mateja, if anything, we can skip a gift this year.
Pomembno je, da si ti v redu," ji je nežno prišepnil.
The important thing is that you're okay," he gently whispered to her.
Mateja je vzdihnila.
Mateja sighed.
"Hvala, Žiga.
"Thank you, Žiga.
Božič je... no, letošnji res ni enostaven."
Christmas is... well, this year really isn't easy."
Ko so končno oddali prijavo, je Luka hitro nadaljeval in zapisal vse potrebne informacije.
When they finally submitted the report, Luka quickly continued and recorded all the necessary information.
Ko je pregledoval podatke, se je naenkrat ustavil.
As he reviewed the data, he suddenly paused.
"Počakajte trenutek," rekel je, "pravkar smo prejeli poročilo, da je na drugem koncu mesta nekdo oddal denarnico.
"Wait a moment," he said, "we just received a report that someone turned in a wallet on the other side of town.
Opisi se ujemajo."
The descriptions match."
Mateja je v tistem trenutku začutila malo upanja.
At that moment, Mateja felt a glimmer of hope.
Luka je na hitro poklical na drugo postajo in po nekaj minutah prišel do zaključka.
Luka quickly called the other station and came to a conclusion after a few minutes.
"Denarnica je tam, na varnem!
"The wallet is there, safe!
Prijazen občan jo je našel na trgu in jo oddal."
A kind citizen found it in the square and turned it in."
Žigare so oči zasvetile, ko je pogledal Matejo.
Žiga's eyes lit up as he looked at Mateja.
Vse se je uredilo!"
Everything worked out!"
Mateja je bila presenečena in olajšana.
Mateja was surprised and relieved.
"Ne morem verjeti, kako hitro ste to našli.
"I can't believe how quickly you found it.
Resnično vam hvala, Luka."
I really thank you, Luka."
Luka se je nasmehnil.
Luka smiled.
"To je del naše službe.
"It's part of our job.
Veseli nas, da ste našli svojo denarnico."
We're glad you found your wallet."
Ko sta Mateja in Žiga stopila na hladno zimsko ulico, je Mateja občutila toploto v prsih.
As Mateja and Žiga stepped onto the cold winter street, Mateja felt warmth in her chest.
Ni bila samo denarnica, bila je vera v to, da okoli nje živijo dobri ljudje, pripravljeni pomagati.
It wasn't just the wallet; it was the belief that there are good people around her, ready to help.
Med hojo skozi mesto je Mateja prijela Žigo za roko.
Walking through the city, Mateja took Žiga's hand.
"Hvala, ker si bil tukaj.
"Thank you for being here.
Ugotovila sem, da ni narobe prositi za pomoč."
I've realized it's okay to ask for help."
Tisti večer, ko so snežinke plesale nad Ljubljano, je Mateja spoznala, da je ta Božič pomemben ne zaradi daril, ampak zaradi prijateljstva in zaupanja.
That evening, as snowflakes danced over Ljubljana, Mateja realized this Christmas was important not because of gifts, but because of friendship and trust.