Finding Light: A Saint Lucia's Day Renewal in the Ward
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Finding Light: A Saint Lucia's Day Renewal in the Ward
Zima je bila mrzla in temna.
Winter was cold and dark.
Snežinke so padale počasi in vrtinčile po zraku.
Snowflakes fell slowly and floated through the air.
V psihiatričnem oddelku so bele stene oddajale hladen občutek, a praznične okrasitve so se trudile razsvetliti prostor.
In the psychiatric ward, the white walls gave off a cold feeling, but the festive decorations tried to brighten the space.
Matej, predani medicinski brat, je čutil pritisk prihajajočih praznikov in svojih dolžnosti.
Matej, a dedicated nurse, felt the pressure of the upcoming holidays and his duties.
Želel je pomagati pacientom, toda čas in sredstva so mu zmanjkovala.
He wanted to help the patients, but he was running out of time and resources.
Lana se je borila s sezonsko depresijo.
Lana was struggling with seasonal depression.
Iskala je luč v temnih zimskih dneh, a je bila ponavadi skrita za oblaki.
She was seeking the light in the dark winter days, but it was usually hidden behind the clouds.
Čutila je, kako jo obdajajo samota in oddaljenost od družine ter tradicij, ki so ji bile nekoč tako drage.
She felt surrounded by loneliness and distance from her family and traditions that once meant so much to her.
Prihajal je dan svete Lucije.
The day of Saint Lucia was approaching.
Matej je hotel ta poseben dan narediti nekaj posebnega za paciente.
Matej wanted to make this special day something memorable for the patients.
Pogovarjal se je z drugimi člani osebja in skupaj so se odločili za majhno praznovanje.
He talked with other staff members, and together they decided to have a small celebration.
Sveče, pecivo, in prijazne besede bi morale dati občutek topline in povezanosti.
Candles, pastries, and kind words were meant to give a sense of warmth and connection.
Lana je ležala na postelji, ko je zaslišala smeh iz hodnika.
Lana was lying on the bed when she heard laughter in the hallway.
Na trenutke je želela ostati sama, vendar je nekaj v njej želelo sodelovati.
At times she wanted to stay alone, but something inside her wanted to participate.
Seveda, bil je dan svete Lucije - simbol luči sredi teme.
Of course, it was Saint Lucia's Day—the symbol of light in the midst of darkness.
Zbrala je pogum in se pridružila praznovanju.
She gathered her courage and joined the celebration.
Ko je vstopila v skupni prostor, so sveče svetile z mehkobo, ki je prostoru dodala toplino.
When she entered the common room, the candles were shining with a softness that added warmth to the space.
Matej je bilo sredi priprave, z nasmehom, ki je prinesel dobro voljo.
Matej was in the middle of preparations, with a smile that brought good cheer.
"Veseli smo, da si prišla, Lana," je rekel, ko ji je ponudil piškot.
"We're glad you're here, Lana," he said as he offered her a cookie.
Lana je sedla poleg okna, kjer je bila okrasitev smreke.
Lana sat by the window, where the tree was decorated.
Matej se ji je pridružil, in medtem ko so bile sveče prižgane, sta se začela pogovarjati.
Matej joined her, and while the candles glowed, they began to talk.
Matej je delil, kako težko mu je bilo v tem času, a kako mu skrb za paciente prinaša veselje.
Matej shared how difficult this time was for him, yet caring for the patients brought him joy.
Lana je odprla svoje srce in spregovorila o svoji osamljenosti in hrepenenju po svetlobi.
Lana opened her heart and spoke about her loneliness and longing for light.
Med njima se je ustvarila posebna vez.
A special bond formed between them.
Toplina sveč in iskrenost besed sta ustvarili svetlobo, ki je presegla okvire sobe.
The warmth of the candles and the sincerity of words created a light that transcended the room's boundaries.
Praznovanje je bilo preprosto, a iskreno.
The celebration was simple but sincere.
Smisli in smehi so odmevali naokoli, prinašali občutek skupnosti.
Meanings and laughter echoed around, bringing a sense of community.
Ko se je dan bližal koncu, sta se Matej in Lana počutila prenovljena.
As the day drew to a close, Matej and Lana felt renewed.
Matej je našel moč, da nadaljuje s svojim delom, z zavestjo, da lahko prav on naredi razliko.
Matej found the strength to continue his work, with the awareness that he could indeed make a difference.
Lana je odšla v svojo sobo z občutkom povezanosti in upanjem za prihodnje dni.
Lana returned to her room with a sense of connection and hope for the days to come.
Mraz je še naprej zavijal svet zunaj, a znotraj, zahvaljujoč praznovanju in iskrenemu pogovoru, je bilo toplo.
The cold continued to envelop the world outside, but inside, thanks to the celebration and genuine conversation, it was warm.
Tako Matej kot Lana sta vedela, da svetloba ni le zunaj – včasih je dovolj, da jo poiščeš v sebi in drugih.
Both Matej and Lana knew that light is not just outside—sometimes, it's enough to seek it within yourself and others.