Strum and Shine: Conquering Stage Fright in Ljubljana
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Strum and Shine: Conquering Stage Fright in Ljubljana
Dnevi v internatu v Ljubljani so bili polni živahnih priprav.
The days in the dormitory in Ljubljana were full of lively preparations.
Sneg je nežno padal na hribe okoli zgodovinske zgradbe, kjer so živeli Matej, Jana in Anja.
Snow gently fell on the hills around the historic building where Matej, Jana, and Anja lived.
Bližal se je čas zimskega talent šova, ki je vsako leto privabil veliko dijakov.
The time for the winter talent show, which attracted a lot of students every year, was approaching.
V veliki dvorani so že začeli obešati svetleče lučke, ki so prostoru dajale čaroben občutek.
In the large hall, they had already started hanging twinkling lights, giving the space a magical feeling.
Matej je sramežljivo sedel v kotu sobe s svojo kitaro.
Matej sat shyly in the corner of the room with his guitar.
Bil je nadarjen glasbenik, a ga je bila misel na nastop pred množico strašansko.
He was a talented musician, but the thought of performing in front of a crowd terrified him.
Jana, navdušena in samozavestna organizatorka, je hitela gor in dol po hodnikih, usklajevala vse.
Jana, an enthusiastic and confident organizer, rushed up and down the hallways, coordinating everything.
Njen smeh je odmeval, ko je pomagala ostalim pri pripravah.
Her laughter echoed as she helped others with the preparations.
Anja, Matejeva najboljša prijateljica, se je približala in sedla poleg njega.
Anja, Matej's best friend, approached and sat next to him.
"Matej, zakaj si tako zaskrbljen?
"Matej, why are you so worried?"
" je vprašala.
she asked.
"Strah me je," je priznal Matej.
"I'm scared," Matej admitted.
"Kaj če naredim napako pred vsemi?
"What if I make a mistake in front of everyone?"
"Anja ga je pogledala s toplimi očmi.
Anja looked at him with warm eyes.
"Vem, da si živčen, ampak veš, da ti lahko zaupaš svoji glasbi.
"I know you're nervous, but you know you can trust your music.
Jana in jaz ti lahko pomagava.
Jana and I can help you.
Ne skrbi, do tega šova bova ob tebi," je rekla.
Don't worry, we'll be by your side for the show," she said.
Matej je počasi začel verjeti v njene besede.
Gradually, Matej started to believe in her words.
Odločil se je, da bo zaupal Anji in Jani.
He decided to trust Anja and Jana.
Skupaj so preživeli ure v vajah v dvorani.
Together, they spent hours rehearsing in the hall.
Jana mu je kazala, kako stopiti na oder, Anja pa ga je vedno spodbujala.
Jana showed him how to walk onto the stage, while Anja constantly encouraged him.
Skupna energija prijateljstva je Mateju vlivala pogum.
The shared energy of friendship instilled courage in Matej.
Končno je prišla noč talent šova.
Finally, the night of the talent show arrived.
Dvorana je bila polna, na odru pa so lučke nežno sijale.
The hall was full, and the lights softly shined on the stage.
Matej je stal za zaveso, srce mu je hitreje bilo.
Matej stood behind the curtain, his heart beating faster.
Jana mu je pomežiknila izpod odra, Anja pa mu je tiho zašepetala, da verjame vanj.
Jana winked at him from below the stage, and Anja whispered quietly that she believed in him.
Dihal je globoko in stopil na oder.
He took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.
Po začetni tremi in nekaj lažjih zadihov se je Matej zbral.
After initial stage fright and a few calming breaths, Matej composed himself.
Njegovi prsti so z nežnim dotikom zaigrali po strunah kitare, zvok pa se je razlezel po dvorani.
His fingers gently played the guitar strings, and the sound spread throughout the hall.
Počasi je izgubil strah pred občinstvom in se prepustil glasbi.
Slowly, he lost his fear of the audience and gave in to the music.
Ko je zadnji ton potihnil, je nastala tišina.
When the last note faded, there was silence.
Potem pa glasen aplavz, ki je napolnil dvorano.
Then a loud applause filled the hall.
Matej je z olajšanjem in zadovoljstvom objel svojo kitaro.
Matej embraced his guitar with relief and satisfaction.
Zmaga nad strahom mu je dala novo samozavest.
Conquering his fear gave him new confidence.
Pozneje, ko so se luči ugasnile, so ga prijatelji objeli.
Later, when the lights went out, his friends hugged him.
Anja mu je rekla: "Vedela sem, da zmoreš," Jana pa je pohvalila njegovo pogumno srce.
Anja said, "I knew you could do it," and Jana praised his courageous heart.
Matej je vedel, da se je pomembno pogumno soočiti z izzivi.
Matej realized how important it was to face challenges bravely.
Z nasmehom na obrazu je razumel, kako dragoceno je bilo stopiti iz cone udobja.
With a smile on his face, he understood how precious it was to step out of his comfort zone.
Zgodba o Mateju, Jani in Anji bo še dolgo klesala spomine v snežni zimi ljubljanskega internata, svetleče zvezdice igre talentov pa bodo vsako leto znova sijale in pričarale nov pogum.
The story of Matej, Jana, and Anja would carve memories into the snowy winter of the Ljubljana dormitory for a long time, and the sparkling stars of the talent show would shine anew each year, inspiring new courage.