Finding Peace in the Snowy Embrace of Love
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Finding Peace in the Snowy Embrace of Love
V Julijskih Alpah, pod snegom pokrito tišino, se nahaja duhovni umik.
In the Julian Alps, beneath a snow-covered silence, lies a spiritual retreat.
V tem mirnem zavetju išče Anja jasnost in notranji mir.
In this peaceful haven, Anja seeks clarity and inner peace.
Ves teden je snežilo, a danes je sonce prebilo oblake in razsvetlilo zasnežene vrhove.
It snowed all week, but today the sun broke through the clouds, illuminating the snowy peaks.
Zrak je hladen, osvežujoč, a tanek.
The air is cold, refreshing, yet thin.
Valentinin dan se bliža in Anja si želi nekaj posebnega - mir in odgovore na svoje tegobe.
Valentine's Day approaches, and Anja desires something special - peace and answers to her struggles.
Anja in njen partner Goran sta prispela pred nekaj dnevi.
Anja and her partner Goran arrived a few days ago.
Anja je utrujena in občasno težko lovi dih.
Anja is tired and occasionally struggles to catch her breath.
Goran, njen trden podpornik, skrbi zanjo.
Goran, her steadfast supporter, takes care of her.
"Anja, si prepričana, da želiš ostati?
"Anja, are you sure you want to stay?"
" jo vpraša zaskrbljeno.
he asks worriedly.
Anja pokima.
Anja nods.
Želi si izkoristiti ta umik in razbremeniti misli.
She wants to take advantage of this retreat and clear her mind.
Danes je vodena meditacija na vrsti.
Today, guided meditation is on the agenda.
Skupina se zbere okoli plapolajočega ognja v skupni sobi lesene brunarice.
The group gathers around a flickering fire in the common room of the wooden cabin.
Anja zapre oči, poskuša se sprostiti.
Anja closes her eyes, trying to relax.
Njene misli so kot snežinke, ki padajo in zavijajo kraj v belino.
Her thoughts are like snowflakes, falling and wrapping the place in whiteness.
Njeno dihanje postaja plitko, občuti vrtoglavico.
Her breathing becomes shallow; she feels dizzy.
Nenadoma se vse vrti.
Suddenly, everything spins.
"Dihaj, Anja," šepne Goran, ko čuti, da nekaj ni v redu.
"Breathe, Anja," whispers Goran when he senses something is wrong.
Anja se oprime njegove roke.
Anja grasps his hand.
Čas za premislek je minil.
The time for reflection has passed.
Njeno zdravje je pomembno.
Her health is important.
Po meditaciji se odločita.
After the meditation, they make a decision.
Anja se zaveda, da mora prisluhniti svojemu telesu.
Anja realizes she needs to listen to her body.
"Obljubim, da se bova še vrnila, a zdaj morava domov," reče.
"I promise we'll come back, but now we need to go home," she says.
Goran se nasmehne, hvaležen za njeno spoznanje.
Goran smiles, grateful for her realization.
Na poti nazaj iz Alp, Anja razmišlja.
On the way back from the Alps, Anja reflects.
Da bi našla mir, mora najprej poskrbeti zase.
To find peace, she must first take care of herself.
Ob Goranovi strani se zaveda, da je potovanje k samemu sebi dolga, a ljubezen in skrb jo vodita.
With Goran by her side, she understands that the journey to oneself is long, but love and care guide her.
Zadovoljna, pa čeprav utrujena, se odmaknejo od zasneženih višin.
Satisfied, though tired, they retreat from the snowy heights.
Navsezadnje, pravo srce ljubezni ni samo v iskanju odgovorov, temveč tudi v skrbi za sebe.
After all, the true heart of love is not only in seeking answers but also in caring for oneself.