Winter Whispers: A Gift, A Skating Date, A New Beginning
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Winter Whispers: A Gift, A Skating Date, A New Beginning
Sredi zasneženega zimskega jutra, je Maja stala na robu Blejskega jezera.
On a snowy winter morning, Maja stood on the edge of Blejsko jezero.
Turistov ni bilo veliko.
There weren't many tourists.
Tisti, ki so bili, so občudovali zaledenele vode.
Those who were there admired the frozen waters.
Maja je imela v rokah majhno darilo, zavito v rdeči papir z belimi srčki.
Maja held a small gift in her hands, wrapped in red paper with white hearts.
V daljavi je opazila Luko in Jureta, ki sta že drsala po ledu.
In the distance, she spotted Luka and Jure, who were already skating on the ice.
Luka je bil visoke postave, z veselem nasmehom na obrazu.
Luka was tall, with a cheerful smile on his face.
Maja je utrnila rahel vzdih.
Maja let out a slight sigh.
Čutila je nežno toploto, ki se je širila po njenih licih, ko je pomislila na trenutek, ko bi lahko Luki izročila darilo.
She felt a gentle warmth spreading across her cheeks as she thought about the moment she could give the gift to Luka.
" je zaklical Jure, ko je odkolesaril proti njej.
called out Jure as he skated towards her.
"Pridi, ledena cesta čaka!
"Come on, the icy road awaits!"
" Jure je bil vedno poln energije in pogosto v Maji izzval občutek, da bi raje uživala v tišjem okolju.
Jure was always full of energy and often made Maja feel like she would rather enjoy a quieter environment.
Toda bil je dober prijatelj.
But he was a good friend.
Medtem ko je zavezovala drsalke, je zasnovala načrt.
While tying her skates, she hatched a plan.
Povabila bi Luko na drugi konec jezera, kjer bi lahko bila sama.
She would invite Luka to the other end of the lake, where they could be alone.
Njena prijateljica Ana ji je prejšnji večer obljubila, da bo našla način, kako zamotiti Jureta.
Her friend Ana had promised her the night before that she would find a way to distract Jure.
Morda bo z njim šla v kavarno ob jezeru, da mu pokaže novo kolekcijo svojih fotografij.
Maybe she would take him to the café by the lake to show him her new collection of photos.
Ko so se končno podali na led, se je veter z nežnimi dotiki poigraval z Majinimi lasmi.
When they finally set out on the ice, the wind gently played with Maja's hair.
Pogledala je Luka in srce ji je zaigralo.
She looked at Luka and her heart leaped.
On ji je prijazno pokimal in rekel: "Maja, pokaži pot!
He nodded kindly at her and said, "Maja, lead the way!
Kje je ta skrita steza, o kateri govoriš?
Where is this secret path you're talking about?"
"Peljala ga je do senc gozdov, kjer je bilo manj ljudi.
She led him to the shadow of the woods, where there were fewer people.
Jure je kmalu ostal za njima, očitno zaniman za Anine fotografije.
Jure soon stayed behind, obviously intrigued by Ana's photos.
Ko sta se ustavila, se je Maja zazrla v Luka in si naposled zbrala pogum.
When they stopped, Maja looked at Luka and finally gathered her courage.
"Luka," je rekla nekoliko plaho, "rada bi ti nekaj dala.
"Luka," she said somewhat shyly, "I would like to give you something.
Nekaj za Valentinovo.
Something for Valentine's Day."
" Iztegnila je roko z majhnim zavojčkom proti njemu.
She held out her hand with the small package towards him.
Luka je bil vidno presenečen.
Luka was visibly surprised.
Za trenutek je bil tiho, nato pa se mu je obraz razsvetlil: "Maja, hvala.
For a moment he was silent, then his face lit up: "Maja, thank you.
Nisva govorila o tem, toda tudi jaz sem do tebe gojil posebna čustva.
We hadn't talked about it, but I have also harbored special feelings for you."
"Maji se je razlezel nasmeh, širok in poln olajšanja.
A wide and full of relief smile spread across Maja's face.
Skupaj sta se nasmehnila.
They smiled together.
Preživela sta veselo popoldne, drsajoč in se smejajoč na ledu, medtem ko se je sonce poslavljalo za gore.
They spent a joyful afternoon, skating and laughing on the ice, as the sun bade farewell over the mountains.
Ko je dan prešel v večer, je Maja vedela, da je prav storila.
When the day turned to evening, Maja knew she had done the right thing.
Naučila se je, kako pomembno je tvegati v odnosih.
She learned how important it is to take risks in relationships.
Poskusiti in povedati.
To try and speak out.
V srcu je čutila novo samozavest in veselje, da je sledila svojemu srcu.
She felt a new confidence and joy in her heart for following her heart.