Ghostly Whispers: A Snowy Adventure at Predjamski Grad
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Ghostly Whispers: A Snowy Adventure at Predjamski Grad
Matej in Anja sta stala pred veličastnim Predjamskim gradom.
Matej and Anja stood in front of the magnificent Predjamski grad.
Snežinke so padale okoli njiju, hladni veter je šepetal med skalami.
Snowflakes were falling around them, and the cold wind was whispering among the rocks.
Predjamski grad, zidan v pečino, je bil znan po svojih skrivnostih in legendah.
The Predjamski grad, built into a cliff, was known for its secrets and legends.
Govorili so, da se tu skrivajo duhovi.
It was said that ghosts hid here.
"Prešernov dan je čas kulture in zgodovine," je rekel Matej, z velikim navdušenjem v glasu.
"Prešernov dan is a time of culture and history," said Matej, with great enthusiasm in his voice.
"A poznati moramo tudi dušo našega ljudstva – duhove.
"But we must also know the soul of our people – the ghosts."
"Anja je dvomila, a se je smehljala.
Anja was doubtful but smiled nonetheless.
Ah, Matej, to je bolj legenda kot resnica.
Oh, Matej, that's more legend than truth."
"Kljub njenemu skepticizmu, Matej ni obupal.
Despite her skepticism, Matej did not give up.
Želel je pokazati, da mu ni strah in da lahko navduši Anjo.
He wanted to show that he was not afraid and that he could impress Anja.
Predlagal je, da raziščeta grad v popolni temi.
He suggested they explore the castle in complete darkness.
"Luči izklopljene?
"Lights off?"
" je vprašala Anja, vidno negotova, a pripravljena na avanturo.
asked Anja, visibly uncertain but ready for an adventure.
"No, zakaj pa ne.
"Well, why not.
Bolj zabavno bo.
It will be more fun."
"Ko sta stopila v notranjost, se je svetloba sijaja snega spremenila v tenke sence in temne kotičke.
As they walked inside, the shimmering snow light turned into thin shadows and dark corners.
Hodila sta po dolgih hodnikih, tišina pa je bila prekinjena le s škripanjem lesenih talnih desk.
They walked through the long corridors, with silence broken only by the creaking of wooden floorboards.
"Morda prav tu živijo duhovi," je rekel Matej, skušajoč biti pogumen.
"Perhaps the ghosts live right here," said Matej, trying to be brave.
Naenkrat je veter zapihal skozi špranjo v obzidju.
Suddenly, a draft blew through a crack in the wall.
Zvok je bil čuden, skoraj kot stokanje.
The sound was strange, almost like a moan.
Matej in Anja sta se ustavila.
Matej and Anja stopped.
Matejovo srce je začelo hitreje biti.
Matej's heart began to beat faster.
Nato je nekaj padlo z mize v naslednji sobi.
Then something fell from a table in the next room.
Oba sta zakričala.
They both screamed.
Stekla sta ven, roke prepletene, ne da bi se ozrla nazaj.
They ran outside, hands intertwined, without looking back.
Njuna srca so bil hitra kot sraka, ki priba.
Their hearts were as fast as a magpie in flight.
Ko sta prišla na varno, sta se stisnila skupaj.
When they reached safety, they huddled together.
Na koncu je iz sence stopila stara mačka, ki je bila prav posebej domača za skrbnika gradu.
In the end, an old cat, quite familiar to the castle's caretaker, emerged from the shadows.
"Samovšečnež," je rekla Anja, ko se je umirila.
"Show-off," said Anja, once she calmed down.
"Le mačka je bila.
"It was just a cat."
"Matej je dihal globoko, potem pa se zasmejal.
Matej breathed deeply and then laughed.
"Kdo bi rekel, da ima ta grad tako hudomušne duhove," je hudomušno rekel.
"Who would have thought this castle had such mischievous ghosts," he said mischievously.
Ko sta se vračala domov, sta si skuhala vročo čokolado.
As they returned home, they made hot chocolate.
Sedela sta ob peči in se smejala svoji dogodivščini.
They sat by the stove and laughed about their adventure.
Matej je v tem spoznal, da je prava pogum pogum priznati svoje strahove.
Matej realized that true courage was in admitting one's fears.
Cenil je Anjino umirjenost in smeh.
He appreciated Anja's calmness and laughter.
"Anja, danes nisva našla duhov," je dejal Matej, "ampak srečala sva nekaj pomembnega - prijateljstvo in pogum.
"Anja, today we didn't find ghosts," said Matej, "but we encountered something important - friendship and courage."
"Na koncu sta prebirala Prešernove pesmi in si obljubila še več takšnih avantur.
In the end, they read Prešeren's poems and promised each other more adventures like this.
Mokro in mrzlo pa je bilo zunaj, a notranjost njunih src polna toplih trenutkov in smeha.
It was wet and cold outside, but inside their hearts were full of warm moments and laughter.