Under the Dragon's Watch: A Winter's Tale of Love and Hope
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Under the Dragon's Watch: A Winter's Tale of Love and Hope
Zimski veter je mrzlo pihal po Ljubljani.
The winter wind blew cold through Ljubljana.
Na Zmajskem mostu sta pod mogočnimi kipi zmajev stala Matej in Lea.
On the Dragon Bridge, under the mighty statues of dragons, stood Matej and Lea.
Ljubljanica je tiho tekla pod njunimi nogami, medtem ko so snežinke počasi plesale iz neba, ustvarjale so mirno vzdušje.
The Ljubljanica river quietly flowed beneath their feet as snowflakes slowly danced from the sky, creating a peaceful atmosphere.
Matej je težko dihal.
Matej was breathing heavily.
Danes je bil Valentinov dan.
Today was Valentine's Day.
Srce mu je močno bilo, ko je gledal Leo.
His heart was beating strongly as he looked at Lea.
Njen obraz je bil resen, oči zaskrbljene.
Her face was serious, eyes worried.
Pogledal je zmaja nad njim; čuval je svojo zgodbo, svojo ljubezen.
He looked at the dragon above him; it guarded his story, his love.
"Lea, pomembna si mi.
"Lea, you're important to me.
Skupaj imava toliko lepih trenutkov," je začel Matej, glas mu je drhtel.
We've shared so many beautiful moments together," started Matej, his voice trembling.
Lea je vzdihnila.
Lea sighed.
"Matej, vem.
"Matej, I know.
A pogosto se bojim.
But I'm often afraid.
Bojim se, da nisva pripravljena."
I'm afraid we're not ready."
Matej je postavil roko na njeno.
Matej placed his hand on hers.
"Spomni se, ko sva poleti hodila po obali, po tisti čudoviti poti.
"Remember when we walked along the coast this summer, on that beautiful path.
Takrat sem vedel, da si ti tista prava.
Then I knew you were the one.
Skupaj sva močnejša."
Together, we are stronger."
Lea se je spomnila tistega sprehoda.
Lea remembered that walk.
Morje je šumelo, sonce je zahajalo.
The sea was murmuring, the sun was setting.
Bilo je popolno.
It was perfect.
Vendar strahovi so ostali in zdaj je bila zima.
Yet the fears remained, and now it was winter.
Tišina je preplavila prostor, le zvok snežink, ki so padale na tla, je zapolnil zrak.
Silence engulfed the space, only the sound of snowflakes falling to the ground filled the air.
Matej ni odnehal.
Matej did not give up.
"Prosim, daj nama priložnost.
"Please, give us a chance.
Vem, da lahko uspemo."
I know we can succeed."
Lea je pogledala proti vodi.
Lea looked towards the water.
Videla je svoj odsev in za trenutek se ji je zdelo, da vidi prihodnost.
She saw her reflection and for a moment it seemed she could see the future.
Čista in jasna.
Clear and bright.
Ob Mateju.
With Matej.
"Matej, čutim nekaj globokega do tebe.
"Matej, I feel something deep for you.
Ampak potrebujem čas."
But I need time."
Matej je stisnil njeno roko, nežno.
Matej gently squeezed her hand.
"I understand.
Skupaj lahko premagava vse.
Together we can overcome anything.
Jaz sem tukaj.
I'm here.
Vzameva korak po korak."
We'll take it step by step."
Lea je prikimala in si obrisala drobno solzo s svojega obraza.
Lea nodded and wiped a tiny tear from her face.
"Dajva torej poskusiti.
"Let's try then.
A bova previdna.
But we'll be careful.
Rada bi šla počasi, razumela, kam naju vodi najina pot."
I'd like to go slowly, understand where our path leads us."
Zmaj za njima je kot da bi prikimal.
The dragon behind them seemed to nod.
Obrnili so se in hodili stran z roko v roki, kljub mešanici občutkov.
They turned and walked away, hand in hand, despite the mix of emotions.
Snežinke so nadaljevale svoj ples nad njimi.
The snowflakes continued their dance above them.
Ljubljanica je mirno tekla dalje.
The Ljubljanica flowed on peacefully.
Bilo je mrzlo, vendar že občutek upanja je prinesel toplino.
It was cold, but just the feeling of hope brought warmth.